To the Brethren of Overland Park Lodge #436
Updated: 3 days ago
Let me start by saying Thank You. Overland Park Lodge is a very well established and respected lodge in the state and in the community and I am humbled and honored that you have elected as your Worshipful Master. A special Thank You goes out to past masters of the lodge. You have built a strong foundation that I can only hope to build upon. This is my third opportunity to sit in the East as the Worshipful Master as well as being District Deputy Grand Master for District 5 and I am as excited about this opportunity as I have been for any of my previous opportunities.
No man can lead a lodge without a strong team beside him. Thanks to the brothers that are being installed today with me. It is my belief that the development of your talents as leaders is the most important legacies I can leave on this lodge. One of the ideas that I have been working on for a number of years is what I call “Right Hand Man Mentorship”. This is an idea that attempts to foster an environment of mentorship and development that begins with the Installation of our Junior Steward and extends though out an officers progression through the line. You will see three positions in the lodge that we have not had in the past, the Almoner, the Marshal and the Jr. Past Master. It is my belief that these three Past Masters will play significant rolls in the success of the lodge as well as the mentoring of our primary officers. In addition to these positions, I have included a short summary of each line officers duties so that you will be aware and understand the expectations that the lodge has of you in your position as an officer. If you have any questions or concerns about your abilities to meet these expectations, please ask myself or you mentor for help and guidance. We want you to be successful in your growth in Masonry. Thank You to my Family; my wife Vicki and my children Jordan and Jacob for the support as a Husband, Father and Mason. I could not do what I do without you. I am a fourth generation Mason and both of my children were active in the Jobs Daughters as well as in DeMolay. As Masons I know we do great work for the Masonic Youth organizations and this year I look to grow this relationship with our local Job's Daughters Bethels and the DeMolay Chapter. Please see my 2018 calendar and you will see that I have scheduled events for the lodge to host that will involve, and I hope can benefit, the Job's Daughters and the DeMolay in their development and growth. I have put forth a busy calendar of events and I know that not everyone will make it to every event, but I do ask you to try and make it when you can. The goal of these activities is to get us together as brothers and as families to fellowship with one another and to be active in our community. I know that with the help of each and every one of us we can have a spectacular year. For the Brethren that might aspire to become involved with the leadership of the lodge, read and become familiar with duties of each office, read and become proficient with the ritual of the craft. We have a passionate and proficient team of ritualists that can help you with your proficiency if needed. Just reach out to anyone on the Masonic Education and Study committee. They will be glad to help. Speaking of committees, if there is an area that you are interested in getting involved with, please let me or a member of the listed committees know of your interest. The only way to eat an elephant is one bite at a time. Just grab yourself a fork. Bon Appetit. Thanks again for this opportunity.
W:. Richard A. Stofer
Master 2018
Overland Park Lodge #436